Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wonderful Counselor

Wonderful Counselor

In Isaiah chapter 9, the prophet is talking about the coming of the Messiah.  He says in verse six, "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."  As we continue to explore His Presence this month, we begin by looking at what it means for Jesus to be our Wonderful Counselor.  (click on the title to listen to message)

Presents or His Presence?

Presents or His Presence? (click on title to listen)

What will it be for you this year?  Would you be willing to give up all your presents in order to receive His Presence?  What does that look like in your life?  We give and receive a lot of presents over the holidays, yet we say, "Jesus is the reason for the season."  Which is it?  Can't be both.  What if we made a choice, what choice would you make?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Play To Win

How Do You Play The Game?

Good question.  We all have said this at one time or another.  I can even let you fill in the blank..."It doesn't matter if you win or lose, it's ______________."  How do you play the game of life?  With the Olympics going on this month I thought it would be interesting to look at some of the passage in the Bible that talk about our Christian life as if it were a race, game, or competition.  And Paul gives us the first glimpse of that when he says that we should run to win.  Do you play to win?

Play To Win

Expect Great Things

Expect Great Things

Eric Owens give a great message on Samuel and his family.  Take a listen and see what Great Things God has in store for you.

Voices Raised

Voices Raised

Final in our series Open Skies

Hands Extended

Hands Extended

Catching up on sermon posts...

Here's number 3 in our Open Skies series...

Hands Extended

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open

Not only must we have our knees to the ground in repentance, but in order to have open skies, we must keep that connection with God constant.  Paul tells us to "pray continually."  What would it look like to make prayer a lifestyle.  You would be living with your Eyes Wide Open.

Knees To The Ground

Knees To The Ground

New series this month is called Open Skies.  What is your communication like with God.  We call it prayer.  Is the connection with God full of clutter or is it Open Skies.  We are going to explore what it takes to have Open Skies and it begins with having Knees To The Ground.

If your new to the blog/podcast you can click on any title and it will take you to the message file.  Or you can click on the subscribe button on the right and get the messages automatically uploaded to your favorite podcast or RSS reader.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Courage To Overcome Failure

Courage To Overcome Failure

The last in our series of Courageous Living.  Can you overcome failure and still live the life that God has planned for you.  Of course you can.  It might not be easy, but God is always cheering for you and wants you to win, wants you to remain in His presence through His Son Jesus.  What do you do, how do you react when you fail.  Check out this message as we look at the life of Samson.

Courage To Overcome Failure

Courage To Lead

Courage To Lead

This father's day message encourages us as men to lead just as Joshua did the people of Israel.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  What about yours?

Courage To Lead

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Courage When Facing Persecution

Courage When Facing Persecution

How do you handle persecution?  Do we Christians, especially in the U.S. really know what persecution is?  Stephen faced persecution and was the first recorded martyr for the Christian faith.  Listen and see what we can learn from Stephen when it comes to facing persecution with courage.

Courage When Facing Persecution

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Courage with Critics

Courage With Critics

This week we look at Nehemiah going back to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls.  We see how he handles critics and how we might as well as we try to live a Courageous Life.

Courage or Compromise

Courage Or Compromise

This week we looked at Elijah battling the prophets of baal.  Elijah chose no compromise in his dealing with the king and the prophets.  They had a big battle.  Listen to how we too can live a courageous life without compromise.

Courageous Choices

Courageous Choices

We will take a look at Moses and his life, the choices he made, and see how that can help us to live a courageous life by making courageous choices.

Moses: Courageous Choices

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Courageous Living: A Courageous Faith

What is it like to live a Courageous Life.  The movie "Courageous" has sparked a lot of discussion about living courageously among men, but God has called all of us to live a courageous life.

We begin this series looking at Abraham...and he shows us what it means to have a Courageous Faith.

A Courageous Faith

An Invitation Into His Presence

Isn't it great to know that we have open access to God.  We are all invited into His presence.

An Invitation Into His Presence

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter Sunday

Eric did a great job of preaching the word on Sunday. He really tells it like it is. Take a listen to his message for Easter Sunday.

Easter Sunday 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Promise In The Nails

Jesus was nailed on the cross for you. What is the promise for us in those nails?

Promise In The Nails

Thursday, March 22, 2012

He Chose The Nails: The Crown Of Thorns

We are starting a new series from Max Lucado's book "He Chose The Nails" that will lead us up to Easter. We often look at the cross and the tomb, and even the words said from the cross, but what about the objects that made up that event. We will in the next few weeks look at the crown of thorns, the nails, the path, the other two crosses, and many other items that were a part of that great event in history. Come along with us and see what God is saying to you this Easter season.

Crown of Thorns

Intentional "Real"ationships

Intentional "Real"ationships is what we need if we are going to be effective at reaching the world with Jesus. Listen and check it out.

Intentional "Real"ationships

What Is A Disciple

What Is A Disciple? If we are going to reach the world with Jesus, we have to be disciples first.

What Is A Disciple

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How? Our Mission

We have had this mission statement for years...We exist to Love God, Love People, and bring the two together. That is all about relationships. So what does that look like? We want to create relational enviornments where we can...love God, love people, and bring them together. That's what God wants from us.

How? Our mission.

Reaching The World With Jesus One Person At A Time: God's Vision...Our Vision?

Beginning a new series "Reaching The World With Jesus One Person At A Time." Our leaders and I went to a conference (Immersion I) where we participated in small groups and saw what life can be like as we live life together discipling one another in small groups. We took that and are currently implementing this process within our church. The one core value that we as a church have always voiced but have difficulty putting into practice is that we believe we are to be disciples of Jesus and that we should be "making disciples" just as the great commission says. So this series is going to explore how we might do that better...and it begins with knowing what exactly our vision is and does that line up with what Jesus asked us to be and do?

God's Vision...Our Vision?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is Jesus Enough?

Last sermon in the series "Not a fan."

Is Jesus Enough?

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

More Than Rules

Message number 5...More than rules.

Our life with Christ is so much more than rules, it is all about a relationship with Jesus.

More Than Rules

The Comfortable Cross

Sermon number 4 in the six week series...

The Comfortable Cross

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Not A Fan: Fan or Follower

New series begins this week from the book by Kyle Idleman called "not a fan." We are doing a six week series and study from the book on Wed. nights. If you are in the area, it is still not too late to join in the study. Kyle asks some hard questions, just like Jesus did. Jesus drew the line in the sand many times and ask people to be followers instead of just fans. Which are you?

Fan Or Follower

Let Jesus Lead

Eric Owens kicked off our year with a great message about letting Jesus lead your life in everything.

Let Jesus Lead