Monday, October 31, 2011

Sorry...More technical difficulties

To all of our loyal followers...

We have had some trouble with out audio equipment the last few weeks so our recordings have not come out properly. The last three weeks messages did not record so obviously have not been able to post them. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have had a great month of worship. We have had three baptisms and two came to be prayed for and desire a closer relationship with Jesus. God is changing lives at RFCC.

Two weeks ago I spoke about surrendering from the viewpoint of the boy with the 5 loaves and two fish. Then we had a missionary speaker, Mark Begarly who spoke about the power of God. This last Sunday we looked at fish that need to "return" to Jesus, just like Peter did after he had denied Christ...he returned to Jesus on the beach. Jesus came looking for him, and Peter responded. What about you? If you have been away from Jesus, maybe it is time for you to return again.

That's a quick update...looking to a great November.

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