Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Greater Things Yet To Come

Our student minister Eric Owens brought our message this week. God has so much in store for us as a body of believers here in Rincon, and for each of you wherever God has placed you. Are you willing and available? Are you ready to accept all that Jesus has done for you?

Greater Things Yet To Come

Only God Can Do The Cleaning

Last in our You Catch'em He'll Clean'em series. We all have to recongize that only God can clean up our broken and dirty lives...to make us each clean...washed by the blood of Jesus. A simple fact, but hard to allow in ourselves.

Only God Can Do The Cleaning

Present The Bait

This week we talked about going fishing. If you are going to be a fisher of men, you must know how to present your bait. See how Jesus accomplished this as we continue to look at being fishers of men.

Present The Bait

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sorry...More technical difficulties

To all of our loyal followers...

We have had some trouble with out audio equipment the last few weeks so our recordings have not come out properly. The last three weeks messages did not record so obviously have not been able to post them. Sorry for the inconvenience. We have had a great month of worship. We have had three baptisms and two came to be prayed for and desire a closer relationship with Jesus. God is changing lives at RFCC.

Two weeks ago I spoke about surrendering from the viewpoint of the boy with the 5 loaves and two fish. Then we had a missionary speaker, Mark Begarly who spoke about the power of God. This last Sunday we looked at fish that need to "return" to Jesus, just like Peter did after he had denied Christ...he returned to Jesus on the beach. Jesus came looking for him, and Peter responded. What about you? If you have been away from Jesus, maybe it is time for you to return again.

That's a quick update...looking to a great November.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

You Catch'em, He'll Clean'em: "Running"

Maybe you find yourself "Running" like Jonah.


You Catch'em, He'll Clean'em: "Searching"

This is the first sermon of our new series. I'm sure you have heard many sermons on how we as Christians are called to be "fishers of men." That is what Christ calls us to. I want to take a look this month at the "fish." We are all fish and need to be caught by Christ. When we are caught, he cleans us. So we begin with looking at the idea of "Searching." Are you a searching fish? Are you looking for something but don't know what it might be? So was the Ethiopian Eunuch. Let's take a look at what we can learn from this fish who had a desire to be caught.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Saturated With The Son

What fills your heart will lead your life. Just like a sponge. What does that have anything to do with anything you are thinking? If you fill a sponge with water and give it a squeeze, what is going to come out? Milk? Orange Juice? Chocolate? As much as we might like it, no. If you fill a sponge with water and squeeze...water comes out. What comes out of you when you are "squeezed?" If you are Saturated with Jesus...Jesus comes out. Has to...because that is what you are filled with. Take a listen and explore what being Saturated with the Son means for you.

Saturated With The Son.

Saturated With Truth

What does being saturated with the truth look like? I believe many of us really don't want to know the truth...yet alone live by the truth. How would your life change if you were saturated with truth.

Saturated With Truth

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saturated With Love

On a day that is still very emotional for many of us Americans, how should we as believers be responding when bad things happen, especially to our nation such as the events of 9/11. Should we, can we, respond saturated with love? And if so, what does that look like? Is that the way Jesus would want us to respond? Listen and let's hear what kind of discussion this might bring up in your circle of influence.

Saturated With Love

Saturated With Light

New sermon series entitles Saturate. What does your life look like if it is truly saturated with Jesus? First it would be saturated with light. How would that impact your life and the lives of those around you if you were saturated with light? This study in 1 John will help us answer some of those questions.

Saturated With Light

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Patience and Prayer

Whoa...two big subjects that complement each other very well. This last encouragement from James concludes the series on Living Life With Purpose. Check it out if you dare...

Patience and Prayer: Two P's In A Pod

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's Your Purpose

What's Your Purpose? Big question to answer. Eric Owens, Student Minister at RFCC filled in for me this week and took on a huge topic in our study of James. He did a fantastic job, and gives us all a lot to think about. God has blessed us immensely especially those of us who have been fortunate to be born and raised in America. We are rich. Has that kept us from living out God's purpose for our lives. Eric does a great job of helping us look into ourselves and our real relationship with God. Take a listen.

What's Your Purpose

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Totally Out Of Control

Do you like to be in control? James asks us to live our lives totally out of control and let God have full control of our lives. Not what you thought huh? We usually think living out of control is bad. It's very bad when we try to control our lives instead of letting God have full control. Listen to what James has to say about living totally out of control.

Totally Out Of Control

Word To The Wise

Continuing the series on Living Life With Purpose, James has a few things to say to those who think they are wise.

Word To The Wise

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say

What a spitfire the tongue is. Very difficult if not impossible to control. That is why we have to allow Christ to control it for us. This message talks about our tongues and how we are supposed to tame something that is impossible to tame. It was also our family day, so I hope you enjoy.

Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say

Monday, July 25, 2011

What Are You Doing

Wow...I know you are all amazed. I am up to date on sermon postings. This is last Sunday's sermon from our series Living Life With Purpose from the book of James. It takes another hard look at our hearts and how we are living out our faith. If we are not living out our faith, is it truly faith at all?

What Are You Doing?

Be A Vehicle Of Mercy

Third sermon in the series of Living Life With Purpose. We have received so much from God, that it should be our pleasure to return those same things to others. Mercy is one of those things. Listen carefully, and freshly. But be careful, Jesus may just change your life.

Be A Vehicle Of Mercy

Living Life With Purpose

We started a new series at RFCC talking about living our lives with purpose. We are going through the book of James. James is a very practical book which means there is a lot of application for us as Christians, and some things that we might not want to be convicted of in our lives. I hope you enjoy and are changed by God as he is lifted up and you are drawn closer to him.

Build Your Relationship To God With Wisdom

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Inspect The Bathroom

The one place we all have to have clean, but never want to clean is the bathroom. What about your life? Have you been washing the outside, but never allowed God to wash you completely from the inside. Check this out.

Inspect The Bathroom

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Checking Out The Kitchen

One of my favorite rooms...the Kitchen. I think of the kitchen as a place of fellowship, conversation, and mostly laughter. That is unless I'm cooking and no one is allowed in my kitchen. This is the relationship room. Think of sitting at the kitchen table, where we used to eat and have conversation, working on our family relationships. What role has God designed for you? Are you living by his rules or ones that you have made up on your own?

Checking Out The Kitchen

Looking At The Family Room

The shrine of most of our homes is that big black screen in our family rooms...the TV. Who do we let in our homes through it? What do we let be played on it? How is it affecting our lives?

Looking At The Family Room

Basement Inspection

What do you have stored in your basement?

Basement Inspection

New Sermon Series Home Inspection

Sorry it has taken so long, but I believe we are up and running. I am going to upload the last sermon series. We are short the first sermon of this series again because of technical difficulties, but hopefully we have most of those ironed out. New series is called "Home Inspection." We are discussing the different places within our "homes" both physical and spiritual and see what changes or renovations we may need to make.

Mom How Is She Made

Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011


Good morning everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that we are switching website hosting companies so there may be some links that are not working. We are working on getting that all fixed and changed over. I have updated the links for the Pay Attention series, but the messages before that have not been updated.

If you would like any of the previous messages, let me know. I can get those to you.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pay Attention: Words of Trust

Last one in the series....

Words of Trust

Pay Attention: Words of Triumph


Words of Triumph

Pay Attention: Words of Pain

Continuing the series with...

Words of Pain

Pay Attention: Words Of Compassion

Continuing the series of Jesus' words from the cross...

Words of Compassion

Catching up

All of you out there in cyber land...sorry for not keeping up the last few weeks. Been hectic around here planning for Easter and such. We have also been having some technical difficulties with the last few recordings. I'm going to post them anyway but if you have some issues with sound cutting out etc, its not you...we are having some sound problems which we are working on getting corrected. Also, in the next week we are changing our website hosting provider so there may be a small interruption in the blog and podcast during that time. Hopefully not, but stay tuned. Now...on with the rest of the Pay Attention sermon series.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Words Of Hope

Jesus, from the cross, give the thief words of hope. What about you? Those words are for you as well.

Words Of Hope

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pay Attention -- Words of Forgiveness

New sermon series leading up to Easter. Pay Attention... We have a tendency, if we never listened to anyone their whole life, when they are taking their last breath, to pay attention to what they are saying...their last words, their last will and testament so to speak. Jesus said some pretty amazing and powerful things on the cross and we need to Pay Attention. His first words were words of forgiveness. He wants that so badly for you. Listen to these words.

Words of Forgiveness

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rooted In Unity

Last sermon in our series of Rooted Deep. We hear much about unity in the church and in the body of Christ, but what does that really mean? What do we as a church need to do? What about myself as an individual? How can I practice unity? Check it out...

Rooted In Unity

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Rooted In Awe

The next installment of our Rooted Deep series talks about being Rooted In Awe. Have we lost our awe of God. I believe that we need to re-establish Awe-fullness in God. How might we do that. Take a listen.

Rooted In Awe

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Oops...out of order...Rooted In Fellowship

Wow...guess I am behind the times. Been a busy couple of weeks. I did not get around to posting the sermon from a Feb. 13th...Rooted in Fellowship. If you are following and looking for the sermon from Feb. 20th, which was Rooted in Worship, I apologize, but we did not get that recorded. My apologies. I do pray that we all get better about this blogging and podcasting thing. As always, I appreciate any comments.

Rooted In Fellowship

Rooted In Prayer

Continuing our discussion of being Rooted Deep, we look at the early church and how they were devoted to the apostle's teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. So this week...we take a look into what our prayer lives should really look like. How is your prayer life?

Rooted In Prayer

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Rooted Deep

Our new series started this last Sunday entitles "Rooted Deep." We spoke last month about being the disciples that God wants us to be. As Christians we desire to be committed to Him, but that is just the beginning. When we decide to become a disciple, that is when growth really takes place. In each of the next few weeks we are going to discuss those areas that we must be "Rooted Deep" in so that we can grow like we should and produce the fruit like we should. The first of those being "Rooted In The Word."

Check it out...

Rooted In The Word

Refuel Your Discipleship

Here is the last sermon in our series on Refuel. Apologies for not posting it sooner. It was a rough week last week catching up after being out of the office for almost a week. Hope you enjoy and make a commitment to be a disciple of Jesus.

Refuel Your Discipleship

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Refuel Your Relationships

Sorry to have to disappoint, but we had some technical issues last Sunday and the message on Refueling your relationship did not record. Hopefully we have them all worked out for next week.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Refuel Your Finances

The next message in the Refuel series talks about us getting our financial lives refueled. In order to do that...we need to change our belief system and put our trust in God. Put your money where your mouth is so to speak. Check it out.

Refuel Your Finances

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Refuel -- Is Your Light On?

Here it is, as promised. Do you find yourself running low on fuel? What about your relationship with Jesus? How much of him do you want? How much are you willing to pay? We take a look at some of those questions in this series entitled "Refuel."

Refuel -- Is Your Light On?

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Next Series: Refuel

Happy New Year to everyone...welcome to 2011. If course with a new year comes some changes. One thing that didn't change is technical difficulties. The last two weeks sermons did not record properly so that is why they have not been posted. The last sermon in the Narnia series and the intro to our new series this month entitled "Refuel." Eric did a masterful job and I'm sorry that you won't be able to hear it. But look forward next week for the next sermon to be posted...God willing and the tech works like it is supposed to.

Refuel is about re-filling our spiritual lives, and as we do that how that affects our finances, our relationships, and ultimately our commitment to Christ and His church. Is it time that you filled up your tank?