Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Sermon Series

I know it has been a while. We here at Rincon First Christian are working on something new. I am trying to get my sermons recorded and posted to make it easy for podcasting and posting etc. So...This is my first try. The series is entitled "Facebook Faith." The first sermon was on "Creating a Profile" and talked about what kind of image we present when we start a page on any social networking site. Don't have a recording of that...but...the second sermon in that series is entitled "Adding Friends." It explores the meaning of friendship and if there are "friends" that we might need to purge from our friends list. I hope this works, and hope that you enjoy. You can click on the Title of this post or click on the link below for the mp3. You can also right click on the link and "Save As" and download it to your computer to listen when you get a chance.

Facebook Faith "Adding Friends"

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