Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pay Attention: Words of Trust

Last one in the series....

Words of Trust

Pay Attention: Words of Triumph


Words of Triumph

Pay Attention: Words of Pain

Continuing the series with...

Words of Pain

Pay Attention: Words Of Compassion

Continuing the series of Jesus' words from the cross...

Words of Compassion

Catching up

All of you out there in cyber land...sorry for not keeping up the last few weeks. Been hectic around here planning for Easter and such. We have also been having some technical difficulties with the last few recordings. I'm going to post them anyway but if you have some issues with sound cutting out etc, its not you...we are having some sound problems which we are working on getting corrected. Also, in the next week we are changing our website hosting provider so there may be a small interruption in the blog and podcast during that time. Hopefully not, but stay tuned. Now...on with the rest of the Pay Attention sermon series.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Words Of Hope

Jesus, from the cross, give the thief words of hope. What about you? Those words are for you as well.

Words Of Hope