Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Greater Things Yet To Come

Our student minister Eric Owens brought our message this week. God has so much in store for us as a body of believers here in Rincon, and for each of you wherever God has placed you. Are you willing and available? Are you ready to accept all that Jesus has done for you?

Greater Things Yet To Come

Only God Can Do The Cleaning

Last in our You Catch'em He'll Clean'em series. We all have to recongize that only God can clean up our broken and dirty lives...to make us each clean...washed by the blood of Jesus. A simple fact, but hard to allow in ourselves.

Only God Can Do The Cleaning

Present The Bait

This week we talked about going fishing. If you are going to be a fisher of men, you must know how to present your bait. See how Jesus accomplished this as we continue to look at being fishers of men.

Present The Bait