Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Saturated With The Son

What fills your heart will lead your life. Just like a sponge. What does that have anything to do with anything you are thinking? If you fill a sponge with water and give it a squeeze, what is going to come out? Milk? Orange Juice? Chocolate? As much as we might like it, no. If you fill a sponge with water and squeeze...water comes out. What comes out of you when you are "squeezed?" If you are Saturated with Jesus...Jesus comes out. Has to...because that is what you are filled with. Take a listen and explore what being Saturated with the Son means for you.

Saturated With The Son.

Saturated With Truth

What does being saturated with the truth look like? I believe many of us really don't want to know the truth...yet alone live by the truth. How would your life change if you were saturated with truth.

Saturated With Truth

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Saturated With Love

On a day that is still very emotional for many of us Americans, how should we as believers be responding when bad things happen, especially to our nation such as the events of 9/11. Should we, can we, respond saturated with love? And if so, what does that look like? Is that the way Jesus would want us to respond? Listen and let's hear what kind of discussion this might bring up in your circle of influence.

Saturated With Love

Saturated With Light

New sermon series entitles Saturate. What does your life look like if it is truly saturated with Jesus? First it would be saturated with light. How would that impact your life and the lives of those around you if you were saturated with light? This study in 1 John will help us answer some of those questions.

Saturated With Light

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Patience and Prayer

Whoa...two big subjects that complement each other very well. This last encouragement from James concludes the series on Living Life With Purpose. Check it out if you dare...

Patience and Prayer: Two P's In A Pod