Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What's Your Purpose

What's Your Purpose? Big question to answer. Eric Owens, Student Minister at RFCC filled in for me this week and took on a huge topic in our study of James. He did a fantastic job, and gives us all a lot to think about. God has blessed us immensely especially those of us who have been fortunate to be born and raised in America. We are rich. Has that kept us from living out God's purpose for our lives. Eric does a great job of helping us look into ourselves and our real relationship with God. Take a listen.

What's Your Purpose

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Totally Out Of Control

Do you like to be in control? James asks us to live our lives totally out of control and let God have full control of our lives. Not what you thought huh? We usually think living out of control is bad. It's very bad when we try to control our lives instead of letting God have full control. Listen to what James has to say about living totally out of control.

Totally Out Of Control

Word To The Wise

Continuing the series on Living Life With Purpose, James has a few things to say to those who think they are wise.

Word To The Wise

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say

What a spitfire the tongue is. Very difficult if not impossible to control. That is why we have to allow Christ to control it for us. This message talks about our tongues and how we are supposed to tame something that is impossible to tame. It was also our family day, so I hope you enjoy.

Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say