Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pay Attention -- Words of Forgiveness

New sermon series leading up to Easter. Pay Attention... We have a tendency, if we never listened to anyone their whole life, when they are taking their last breath, to pay attention to what they are saying...their last words, their last will and testament so to speak. Jesus said some pretty amazing and powerful things on the cross and we need to Pay Attention. His first words were words of forgiveness. He wants that so badly for you. Listen to these words.

Words of Forgiveness

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rooted In Unity

Last sermon in our series of Rooted Deep. We hear much about unity in the church and in the body of Christ, but what does that really mean? What do we as a church need to do? What about myself as an individual? How can I practice unity? Check it out...

Rooted In Unity

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Rooted In Awe

The next installment of our Rooted Deep series talks about being Rooted In Awe. Have we lost our awe of God. I believe that we need to re-establish Awe-fullness in God. How might we do that. Take a listen.

Rooted In Awe

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Oops...out of order...Rooted In Fellowship

Wow...guess I am behind the times. Been a busy couple of weeks. I did not get around to posting the sermon from a Feb. 13th...Rooted in Fellowship. If you are following and looking for the sermon from Feb. 20th, which was Rooted in Worship, I apologize, but we did not get that recorded. My apologies. I do pray that we all get better about this blogging and podcasting thing. As always, I appreciate any comments.

Rooted In Fellowship

Rooted In Prayer

Continuing our discussion of being Rooted Deep, we look at the early church and how they were devoted to the apostle's teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. So this week...we take a look into what our prayer lives should really look like. How is your prayer life?

Rooted In Prayer