Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Rooted Deep

Our new series started this last Sunday entitles "Rooted Deep." We spoke last month about being the disciples that God wants us to be. As Christians we desire to be committed to Him, but that is just the beginning. When we decide to become a disciple, that is when growth really takes place. In each of the next few weeks we are going to discuss those areas that we must be "Rooted Deep" in so that we can grow like we should and produce the fruit like we should. The first of those being "Rooted In The Word."

Check it out...

Rooted In The Word

Refuel Your Discipleship

Here is the last sermon in our series on Refuel. Apologies for not posting it sooner. It was a rough week last week catching up after being out of the office for almost a week. Hope you enjoy and make a commitment to be a disciple of Jesus.

Refuel Your Discipleship