Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Turning The Page On Temptation

Next up in our Narnia series, Sailing The High Seas At Christmas, is Turning The Page On Temptation. Lucy is tempted as she finds a book of spells. She can say a spell that will make her the most beautiful woman on earth. What temptation do you need to turn the page on?

Turning The Page On Temptation

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sailing The High Seas At Christmas

What a great series Facebook Faith turned out to be. Many people took the time to examine their lives and how Facebook was influencing their faith, good or bad. This next series is based on the new Narnia movie, Voyage of The Dawn Treader, coming out this Christmas. First in the series is a sermon entitled "Courage to Face Your Fears." I hope you enjoy and are blessed because of how God is speaking to you through this message.

"Courage To Face Your Fears"

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Keep Logged In

Last sermon in this series of "Facebook Faith." Do you stay logged in to facebook, making sure you get every update, every message, as fast as you can? Do you stay in touch as much with Jesus as you do Facebook. These are some issues we will look at in the last sermon of this series. Hope you enjoy and that God makes real life change in your heart.

Facebook Faith "Keep Logged In"

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Status Updates

Continuing the series on Facebook Faith...this week we talk about Status Updates. What do your status updates say about you, others, and your faith? Are we searching for answers for problems in our lives with our status updates, and if so, how would God respond? Who's advice are we seeking with problems in our lives. These are all questions that will be addressed this week. I pray that it is a blessing to you.

Facebook Faith "Status Updates"