Saturday, May 15, 2010

Update -- On the move, again!

It has been an eventful few months. I know it has been years since I have updated my blog. I just now decided to begin again and will try to keep things updated. My family and I are on the move. I have accepted a Sr. Minister position in Rincon Georgia. The body of believers in Rincon seem to be great, friendly people. The leadership seems to be ready to move toward bigger and better things. I am excited to start another chapter of our lives in ministry.

Ministry is an animal all of its own. It is unlike any other "job" out there. When looking for a new ministry within our churches it is just like any other job. You submit a resume, hope you get contacted for an interview, visit the church, then preach and the church votes on you. Things went very similar here in Rincon, but I really believe that God has his hand on this move. I tried to send them a resume back in October and it was bounced back to me. I discovered a mistake in the email address that I sent the resume to. A few months later I resent the resume to the correct address and it wasn't long before they contacted me. I had my first interview through Skype which was a great asset. It allowed us to talk to one another and see body language and expressions. That interview went very well. We decided to visit the church the first weekend in May. We all got along so well. I preached that Sunday and answered some questions that Sunday night. That was about three weeks ago. Now we are under contract for a new home and looking forward to moving in late June, early July. I am excited as to what God has planned for us there.

The kids are somewhat excited, but also a little apprehensive. Lianna is graduating and will be attending college in Berea, KY. She will be about 8 hours from our new home. I know she will do well. The other three are excited about moving to a new school because of the band program, but also a little apprehensive since they have made some friends here over the last four years. I think it will be a good move for all of us in the end.

So, I am off this next week to have a home inspection done and get other paperwork finished for our mortgage. It is a big step for us to own our own home again, but I am looking forward to it. Once we get settled and set up, I hope to keep my blog up and running, discussing many events in our lives as well as ministry topics and help for preachers out there.

That's all for now....
